Thursday, November 7, 2013

Back to Work

On Sunday Erfurt was featured on Tatort! I thought the episode was very good because
1) I've been to all the places on it.
2) the main characters are two young male detectives and a girl who's doing her internship. The girl doing her internship was fantastic. In one scene she was unsure what to do with the slats for her bed, which I identified with because I was similarly confused last fall.

After a seemingly endless fall break, I went back to work this week. It was odd being so busy after not having anything to do for so long - I guess this is how teachers feel all the time.

However, on Monday 3 of the 4 classes I was supposed to be in didn't meet. In the 4th, I just corrected papers that a class had written on teenage pregnancy. The assignment was to write a diary entry if they found out that they/their girlfriend was pregnant. The best of the lot were (verbatim) "Oh for f***s sake!" (She wrote the stars herself. Who teaches these kids this stuff?!) and a guy who wrote two diary entries, one from his perspective and another from his best friend's perspective. Spoiler alert: his best friend was the father of his girlfriend's baby.

Monday evening I went to English Cafe at the university, which was fun! It was mostly native speakers this week, but will probably be more non-native English speakers as the semester goes on.

Tuesday was an eleventh grade class. (I love my eleventh graders. All of them. I want all of my classes to be with the 11th grade because they're amazing and smart and funny.) The kids just performed dialogues and I helped give feedback. Tuesday evening was my history class at the university - very interesting.

Wednesday I had two classes - a 8th grade class and 11th grade class. I talked about baseball with a small group of 8th grade boys - they started playing using a rolled up newspaper when we finished a bit early. I probably should've stopped them, but the classroom we were in is a spare and didn't have anything in it that they could've broken. After my classes, I went to the university where I talked about growing up in the US in a course taught by the same woman who runs the English Cafe. The best part was bringing Eufaula High School's student handbook up on the projector for everyone to look at! (They didn't understand the drug dog.) That evening was band rehearsal. I can't go on Tuesdays anymore because of my class, but the director is nice and doesn't care as long as I come when I can.

The best part of band practice was when the director said he wanted to see how the song would sound with just the woodwinds and a tuba player responded "It'll sound like crap!" (He was one of the adult members of the band.) The second best part was when the guy sitting next to me opened a beer during rehearsal and drank it when he wasn't playing the baritone. (Although that is a dreadful thing to do to your instrument. He was also an adult member of the band.)

Today was my long day at school, but it was a good day! I talked about binge drinking the US in two different classes, and the students had a lot of questions about what Americans think of drinking. One of the teachers asked me if there was a topic I'd like to talk about, so I immediately responded that I want to talk about smoking and how it's horrible for you because so many of the 11th and 12th grade students smoke!

I saw this at the grocery store earlier this week:

It was with a lot of other kinds of Christmas incense. 

I'm going to Poland on Saturday with some other Fulbrighters. Bis später!

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