Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hello everyone! I don't have any exciting pictures of picturesque Erfurt today (but I'm going to the Weihnachtsmarkt this weekend so there will be LOTS of pictures then), but I do have a few good school stories. (Warning: bad language ahead.)

Yesterday I was walking through the halls before my 11th grade class when I thought I heard the words "David Tennant" from behind me. I assumed I was imagining it because I spent a lot of time last weekend watching Doctor Who (and I loved the 50th!) and kept walking. Then I got into the classroom where two of the guys walked in behind me. Then, in English, one said "Okay, so I say I'm the doctor and you're supposed to say 'Doctor Who?'" It made my day that some of my students watch Doctor Who as well!

I taught a lesson on smoking in the US and Germany to that same class. (Did you know that 47% of young German  men 18-29 smoke?) I couldn't figure out how to download that creepy CDC ad with the woman named Terrie who doesn't have a voicebox, so I just had a poster of it on a powerpoint to show the students. This interested the students enough that they got the teacher's permission to look up the actual ad on their phones and about half the class watched it. Then I had them all do short anti-smoking ads for the US. We didn't have much time, so only two of the four groups had an idea to present. One group was very theatrical and hilarious, while the other featured a guy doing a horrible smoker's voice and saying "I started smoking two weeks ago and now I sound like this." I'm not sure how seriously they took the lesson, but I had fun teaching it.

Today I was watching half the class while they were working on short video projects. Someone called me over to see if they should say "F*** this" or "F*** that." I'm glad they still cared about the grammar in this situation. Sometimes I think my students learned English by watching The Boondock Saints.

There was a map similar to the one above in the back of the classroom where I was. Someone had put post-it flags on the small box in the map labeling Canada as "USA" and USA as "haesslich" (ugly or horrible). I moved the "haesslich" post-it so it was right over Baton Rouge. I probably won't win any points for maturity, but then again, I had just been asked about grammar and obscenities. 

After I got done with work today, I went to Anger to pay my rent at my bank. (There are 3 little terminals reserved for people wiring money at every branch of my bank. They're with the ATMs, so you can always access them. It's why wiring money is so popular in Germany - it's really easy to do and checks aren't really used here.) After that, I went to H&M and got myself two new shirts that I'm putting away for Christmas. Buying myself Christmas clothes makes me feel like my mom.

After that I went to idee (this is a picture I took the first time I was there. They have an entire glitter section.) to look for yarn. That store is so amazing, like Hobby Lobby without all the annoying decorations - just the girly craft stuff. It also smells just like Northfork Baptist Church, so I feel like I'm 7 and at Bible school again.

I found out yesterday that my school is out on Monday in honor of the first Sunday of Advent. I think it's amazing - my favorite time of year is Advent, and most Americans don't even celebrate it. Here it's Christmas markets and chocolate filled Advent calendars and days off school! I'll probably spend Friday buying cheap Christmas decorations so I can make my apartment a bit more festive. I'm going to try to make a little bit of Thanksgiving food tomorrow - we'll see how that goes.

Bis spaeter!

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