Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November & Stuff

Things here have been pretty normal for the past week. I've gone to work and then come back home again. It's been cold, but since it isn't windy it's actually not that bad. (I talked to Emily the other day and described the weathers as "relatively warm - it's in the 40s.") It snowed a bit last night and this morning, but by the time I got to work the snow had melted into rain, so the weather was just kind of gross.

Since the construction on the trams is over now, the stop I have to wait at in Anger is right outside a huge bookstore. It's very dangerous for me, especially since the bookstore knows people will wander in while waiting for the tram so they always have their doors wide open. I haven't bought anything yet, though.

In my class at the university about the 80s in East Germany we've been talking about youth in the DDR, so now I know a lot more about the punk movement that I ever thought I needed to know.

The other day I took the Number 3 all the way down to Urbicher Kreuz because I had nothing better to do than ride to the end of the line. The tram stops there for a few minutes - they were using the old-timey tram that day.

This is a different, newer tram. I was the only person on it, so I took a picture of the inside. The orange box is where you stick your ticket to validate it.

Look at the right part of this picture. Bernd das Brot feels the same way I do about the fact that there's still construction going on downtown. (Bernd is a character from KiKa, the children's channel in Germany. Since they have their headquarters in Erfurt, there are giant statues of KiKa characters all over town.)

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