Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm a star!

Today was a really fun day at work! I had a group of 8th grade boys who needed to work on their reading during 2nd hour - one of them read "Thanksgiving" as "Tanksgiving" then asked me if that was some sort of "Panzerparade" (tank parade). All five of us in the room started laughing at that.

Then in the third hour (darn Germans. This is how they all talk about the classes and it's affecting my English.) two of my 11th grade classes were together in a video-capable room. They had all made really short videos about a vocab word, and we watched them all. They were really good - someone did stop motion with Lego pirates digging up treasure for "unearth" and another just played a clip from "Wrecking Ball" to illustrate "deface."

My two favorites were the ones for "hallucination" and "fictitious." "Fictitious" was ridiculous...I can't accurately describe it, but I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. (It involved the song "Blurred Lines.") "Hallucination" was obviously the best because yours truly had a cameo in it. At the end both classes votes to see which one was the best, and the one I was in won! (The students obviously love me.) So, you're now reading the blog of an international acting sensation!

Now I've got to prepare for class tomorrow - most of the 11th grade seems to be starting a new unit on human cloning. German high school is weird.


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