Saturday, December 7, 2013


It's been a busy few days. I went to the teachers' Christmas party - which was held at a bowling alley. I know what you're thinking - smelly shoes and a plate of nachos. I know I was. But the restaurant at this bowling alley was...super swanky. It was the best spread of food I've eaten since orientation.

Then on Wednesday I went and watched a movie with two of the teachers from my school.

For some reason presents are coming out of the Rathaus (town hall).

Because I'm a glutton for punishment, I've climbed up to Petersberg about three times this week to look at the Weihnachtsmarkt from above.

On Friday, two other Fulbrighters came to visit Erfurt! I showed them around a little bit and we discovered the Backstube, which is my new favorite bakery.

Anger Eins is especially festlich.

The tiny Anger part of the Weihnachtsmarkt

This is the church I go to!

Kraemerbruecke is also pretty festlich.

Engelsburg - an area popular with students

The giant Weihnachtspyramide.

There were a ton of tourists in the Dom. One shushed me when Monika was trying to figure out where we were on her map.

St. Severi. The star lanterns are very popular here.

It's like I've never seen a Ferris wheel before...

Candy, candy, candy.

Der Totentanz! (It was a huge theme in Germany a few hundred years ago, although this is from the '40s.)

And one last picture with the lights on!

I made risotto today!

I added too much cheese by mistake, so it mostly just tasted like cheese, but it was still good!

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