Monday, December 2, 2013

Erfurter Weihnachtsmarkt

Today I didn't have to work, so I went to the Erfurter Weihnachtsmarkt! I picked up a few gifts for family. (Luckily for them, they're not gifts in the German sense of the word - gift in German means poison!)

I also got a smartphone so I was really phone-camera happy.

Here is my Christmas tree. I feel a little bit sorry for it. My school has two real Christmas trees because people don't pretend that they're deathly allergic to tree pollen in Germany. (I can say that because I'm pretty allergic to pollen and somehow I don't die every single Christmas.)

Adventskalendar! They're really for kids, but I want a small piece of Rittersport every day between now & Christmas.

"Everything for the boot!" Perhaps this could be a new slogan for the Arkansas-LSU game.

Even grocery store ads are excited about Advent here!

I found the sun!!! It's grey and dreary so often here that it's surprising when an entire day is sunny.

And there it is, ladies and gentlemen. The Erfurter Weihnachtsmarkt.

This was a booth selling drinks. The entire market smells like roasted almonds and Gluehwein (which is supposedly just mulled wine).

The Riesenrad!

The Advent wreath in St. Severi. The Advent candles in Germany are all white and I don't like it.

Look at that pretty church & blue sky!

I walked up to Petersburg and I heard people speaking English so I took a picture.

I caught a nice sunset as I was walking back home from Melchendorfer Markt.

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