Friday, September 27, 2013

Erfurter Oktoberfest!

Last weekend I went to an international stammtisch, played soccer with the Mormons, went to Erfurter Oktoberfest with the people from the stammtisch, and walked around the city with one of the student teachers from my school & one of his friends.

It's Friday, and I'm still tired from all that.

I didn't really talk that much to any of these kind German people, but I feel like my German's got a lot better! (Part of that probably comes from me actually starting to listen to the TV instead of just watching it and puzzling out what is going on. Thanks, Dance Academy!)

So Erfurter Oktoberfest is like the junk food (without all the fried stuff but with a lot more alcohol) of the state fair and the rides of the state fair with a beer tent where a lady stands on the stage and convinces drunk people to sing along with these songs that apparently every German knows. It was...interesting. But not that many people wear German clothing unless they're just going to sit in the tent. The carnival was mostly kids and teenagers. Here are my pictures from the carnival!

The Ferris Wheel before I got on.

About 7 of us crammed in to one gondola.

It was nice because all of us got our cameras wasn't just the foreign girls!

This is the road that leads from the Dom to the Rathaus.

There's the Dom!

It kinda looks like Hogwarts at night...

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