Friday, September 20, 2013

Lazy Friday

I read half of this book while waiting for it to stop raining a few days ago. Read #4 because it's about to become super relevant.

Yesterday after an interesting day of teaching I went to meet my mentor teacher near the theater because I needed more insurance in order to get a key to the school. Naturally, I thought the 4 tram went there and it turns out that only the 2 tram does that. So I was a bit lost, but only 3 minutes late! And now I have shiny liability/key insurance for the low low price of 5 euros a month. After I left, my mentor stayed behind because she had other insurance-related things to discuss, which I though was hilarious because I read about half of How to be German in 50 Easy Steps the other day in Hugendubel, which is a big bookstore in Anger.

Last night I went to an international stammtisch, which was kinda fun. I met a few people who are studying at the Uni and some Germans who mostly spent a little time abroad before coming to the conclusion that Germany was much better than their adopted country. Then I went home, which I was afraid would be terrifying but turned out to be exactly the same as when I go home during the day, except there weren't as many people around. Sometimes I forget that without guns places that would be very dangerous at home are pretty safe here. (Not that I have a false sense of security. I walked home with my phone out the whole time, hoping nothing would happen because I couldn't remember the difference between 110 and 112.) I met a woman who teaches at the Uni in town and would like me to help out with an English conversation club there, which I would like to do, so I hope this opportunity works out!

In other news, I'm doing an eInternship with the State Department this year as well; I just got my e-mail with my research info in it, so that should take some time.

I've just been bumming around the house today since I don't work on Fridays. I did laundry, cleaned the bathroom, and vacuumed.

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