Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Maggie's Visit, Part III: Weimar & the Zwiebelmarkt

On Saturday Maggie & I decided to brave the cold and ever imminent threat of rain to attend the Zwiebelmarkt (onion market) in Weimar. It was a weird combination of a regular town festival, a marathon, onion-themed decorations, and a middle ages fair (like a Renaissance fair, but with a middle ages focus).

A typical stand in the middle ages section. The girl in this picture has pretty typical German hair. My school's vice principal's hair is also this color.

A stage (there was one in every square) and a stand selling hot drinks.

Knoblauchbrot! Soft garlic bread with herb dressing. I put fried onions, corn, and olives on mine as well. It was the most delicious street food I've had this year! The olives kept rolling off, so I ended up eating about half the number that I put on my bread.

We heard Russian folk singers in one square. Their music was really good! We stood under the awning in front of the theater where the Weimar constitution was signed (yes, the one setting up the crappy interwar government) while listening & waiting for the rain to stop.

After it stopped raining, we decided to find Goethe's house, but we got lost. I found this incredible graffiti - it's my favorite piece of street art that I've seen in Germany so far. I'm keeping all my graffiti pictures here.

The yellowish building on the left is Goethe's house. Many of the buildings in Weimar have quotes painted on the side.

Onion decorations!

Maggie left on Sunday afternoon. I'll write again soon to document my adventures this week, although they mostly involve working. Next week is fall break; I'm hoping to visit Amsterdam!

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